(The Descendant Trilogy #1)
By Theresa Jones
eBook provided by the Author for honest review,
The Blurb:
Thousands of years after the battle between the angels, when Lucifer was defeated by Michael in the Heavens, the war is still being fought on Earth by the humans who have their Power, the Angel’s Power.
Jenny's Review:Allison Stevens is a 21 year old single mother who gets thrown into the middle of this battle when Damien, the Leader of the Rising, decides to hunt her down and kill her because he fears she is the descendant prophesied to save the world.David, a member of the Order, takes Allison under his wing in order to show her the ropes, and hopefully groom her into being the one they have been waiting for. The only problem is that they start to grow more attached than a teacher/student relationship should allow.But that isn’t all. Damien wants to open the Seven Seals and bring about the apocalypse and it’s up to Allison to not only save herself and her family, but save the world, all while trying to keep her heart from breaking.No problem… right?POWER is the first book in a New Adult (Mature YA) Paranormal Romance Trilogy and is the debut novel for author Theresa M Jones
First of all, isn't that cover gorgeous? Love it!
What a wonderful start to what I can only imagine is going to be a great series.
I must say I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading Power. Angel power? I can dig it. One girl to save the world while trying to figure out her own heart? This had to have been written with my tastes in mind. 21 year old single mother? Hold up, say what? Now we're stepping out of my typical territory. New Adult is the, pardon the epic pun-fail, 'new' big thing, but it's not something I've really had the urge to read. But when I was approached by the author about reviewing Power, I figured what the heck, and I'm glad I did.
I really liked the overall idea of Power. One girl, a descendant, could be the key stopping the ultimate war of good vs evil. Sounds like the makings to a great book right? Each person who has power is a descendant from atleast on of the nine Primitus, or women who were chosen because of their virtue and given power from the angel Michael. The actual power that people have is really neat, it's like this visible energy and each person has their own color. It kind of reminds me of show Dragonball Z with the whole powering up. I know, I pulled that COMPLETELY out of left field. But there's just something about the imagery of being engulfed in this colorful Power. Kinda beautiful. Every person had their own gifts be it mind reading, telekinesis or healing, on top of having this power. And I don't think I'm explaining it all to well, but trust me it's pretty cool how Allison uses her power in battle to invade people's minds.
The point of view switches through out the story though the main focus is on Allison. While sometimes this can throw me off in a story, I did enjoy it here and getting to know other characters a little better. Believe it or not, one of my favorites was seeing inside Damien's head. Damien is our villain here, and how often do you get to peak inside the villain's head? At one point he's talking, and he just starts thinking how much he loves his voice. Narcissist? Um yeah, I'd say so. But I loved it. Sometimes you just need a bad guy and not someone who is simple bad because of their logical intentions.
I really only had two issues while reading Power. The first being that it did take me a bit to really get involved with the story. Yeah, there were several scenes that caught my attention and kept me going, like the first time Allison releases her Power, but it wasn't until about half way through that Power and I really clicked.
The second is really more just my personal reading preference than anything else. I prefer to be shown things instead of just told how they happened. I love dialogue and seeing characters reactions. I feel like I missed out on what could have been some really great scenes because the character who was telling the story at the time simply said this is how it was handled and this is what the other people did in response. I think because of this I didn't fall in love with the characters as much as I could have and at times it causes the story to come off as wordy.
I did appreciate the relationship between David and Allison. One of the main reasons I steer clear of anything where the MC is over than 19 is because it's usually about Lust bunnies getting it on, on any available flat surface. Don't worry, there are a few moments between the two that heat up the page.
Over all, Power is a fantastic debut and I'm definitely interested in seeing what's in store for Allison and Sammy and company.
About the Author:
Theresa M Jones is just a regular small town, Texas girl. When she isn't at work at a local Medical Equipment provider,you can find her at home with her husband and two beautiful (and rambunctious) kiddos. In her spare time- as if there ever was such a thing as "spare time" - she reads and reviews books on her book blog, and writes paranormal romance novels. POWER (The Descendent Trilogy #1) is her debut New Adult (Mature YA) Paranormal Romance novel.
Twitter- @MrsTheresaJones
Author Theresa Jones
Facebook: TheresaMJones
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